Salute #SHIBARMY. Lots of exciting things on the horizon but let’s talk about just one: Shiboshis!

Wen Shiboshis?
10,000 lovable creatures are on their way to you. The excitement behind this NFT drop has eclipsed anything we could have imagined, and we are so excited to bring them to you next week (or earlier). It will be a fair launch so don’t worry we will make sure everyone gets a heads up.
Before the drop there are many things to consider so for anyone looking to purchase one or multiple Shiboshis read this carefully.
Where to Buy
Though you will be able to sell Shiboshis on secondary markets like OpenSea, the initial purchase will ONLY BE AVAILABLE HERE (SHIBOSHIS.SHIBASWAP.COM). This subdomain will be completely personalized for the sale of Shiboshis. Moreover you will be able to trade, make offers, and buy at the ShibaSwap link above.
Note: Buying and trading Shiboshis is completely free (except for the gas fee). There is no additional fee for buying and trading Shiboshis on ShibaSwap vs using something like OpenSea.
Shiboshi costs are based on tiered pricing. The first 3,000 Shiboshis will cost 0.1 Eth (BUT must be purchased in Leash for the first 24 hours). Shout out to XFund once again providing an incredible Oracle to help with this calculation. The next 5,000 Shiboshis will cost 0.2 Eth (in Leash for 24hrs) and the final 2000 Shiboshis will cost 0.3 Eth (in Leash for the first 24hrs).We don’t expect that floor to last for long.
Note: Each wallet can only buy 10 Shiboshis. This so that more people can get them before they sell out.
Wen Burn?
Shiboshis can be named by the holder of the NFT. Initially they’ll just have generic names like 00001, but you can name it Flytoshi Kahn or whatever you like for an additional fee of $100 paid in Shib. Whenever the name is changed, these funds are burnt to the Shib burn wallet. If everyone names their Shiboshis that will be a $1 MILLION dollar burn.
It’s important to name your Shiboshi because names are unique and can only exist once in the Shib Oshiverse. With the expansions we are planning, this could potentially make your Shiboshi more valuable.
What would you name this Shiboshi?

Special Shiboshis
Shiboshis are minted at purchase. They each have unique attributes and thus, rarity is in the eye of the beholder.
However, when you add in gaming this takes things to the next level.
Shiboshi Game
That’s right, Shiboshis aren’t just NFTs they will be converted into game characters.
The Shiboshi Game will allow Shiboshi holders the ability to use their NFTs in strategic gameplay. Some Shiboshi properties will have corresponding gameplay elements attached.
To provide an example, one property found in some Shiboshis is Laser Eyes. The Laser Eye property might give the player the ability to attack long distance. Depending on the game it could also blind an opponent or give an additional move.
Furthermore, each Shiboshi will have multiple properties so will you hope for a homogenous Shiboshi (which may attribute to more power) or a heterogeneous Shiboshi which will have multiple attributes to choose from? Ultimately, the choice is yours as you trade and buy Shiboshis on the secondary markets.
The Oshiverse (game codename) will have multiple playable characters. To fill these character spaces, we will release multiple Shiboshi sets which may introduce more Shiboshis, enhance your Shiboshis, or provide entirely new gameplay in the Shib Oshiverse (powerups etc). Stay tuned for future Shib drops and future details of the Shiboshi game.
In our next medium we will discuss ShibaSwap updates, Doggy Dao and our Launchpad/Incubator. Until then, SALUTE #SHIBARMY!